Christians are told in the Book of Hebrews, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” (Hebrews 13:16)
In harmony with that teaching, many Christian health sharing ministries contribute time, effort, and money to their local communities to support those in need.
In 2020, Christian health sharing ministries have been able to partner with other organizations to offer support to first responders, healthcare workers, and those who defend our great country day after day.
2020: A Year of Unprecedented Need
For many, 2020 brought previously unimagined difficulties and hardships. From unexpected unemployment to the stress of concern for sick loved ones and the worry for one’s own physical health at a time of widespread illness, many American families suffered enormous setbacks in 2020.
In addition to economic and physical concerns, many people also struggled with the emotional fallout of social distancing, with loneliness and depression hitting all-time highs for many.
What could be done to help?
Christian Beliefs Offer Solace, Hope, and Comfort
During times of intense trials such as 2020 turned out to be, Christian beliefs proved to be a lifeline for members of health share ministries. Drawing on a strong well of faith, many Christian health sharing ministries seized the opportunity to share comfort and hope with others during this difficult time.
Partnering with other local community organizations, some health sharing ministries were able to organize the sharing of food, money, and other essentials with families in need, first responders, healthcare workers, and families of soldiers.

By supporting those in need in their local communities, these health sharing ministries were doing much more than simply sharing a meal. They were fulfilling their Christian obligation to give, to show love, and to share what they have.
With what result? Acts 20:35 says: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
How Christian Health Sharing Ministries Give Back to Members
However, it is not simply through volunteering that Christian health sharing ministries give. Consider what Christian health sharing ministries offer their members every day: significant savings to handle the costs of healthcare.
By facilitating the sharing of funds between people of like faith, health sharing ministries enable members to save money on the cost of medical care and, often, on the cost of prescription drugs as well. Helping members share with other members is a gift in itself.
If you are not currently a member of a health sharing program, why not check it out to see if it would be a good option for your family? Find out how to become a part of something bigger that will help you to give to others and to benefit your family at the same time.
Health sharing saves money. Find out how much you can save today!