The healthcare industry has become heavily dependent on technology, especially in recent times.Remote doctor visits have become the norm over the past year thanks to the ongoing health crisis, though telemedicine was already a part of the healthcare industry long before social distancing was mandated.In addition to virtual medical care, various devices have become popular to help diagnose and monitor patients. In fact, there are currently over 500,000 medical technologies being used in today’s medical ecosystem, according to a recent report from Deloitte.Internet-connected devices have been instrumental in improving the efficiencies of medical professionals, increasing convenience and care for patients, and lowering costs of healthcare. And as internet capabilities become more sophisticated, organizations within the healthcare industry are making better use of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) technologies.
What is the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)?
The system of internet-connected devices and software applications can be classified as IoMT. These digital technologies can include anything from devices that patients wear to monitor some aspect of their health to more substantial stand-alone equipment that is used to keep tabs on patients remotely.Both patients and healthcare professionals are increasingly embracing technology as a means of receiving and providing health care, respectively, particularly as telehealth continues to expand.Data can be easily collected, analyzed, and transmitted through the cloud or via secure servers. The use of IoMT technologies is rapidly changing the face of medicine as we know it.Telehealth has quickly grown in popularity recently, driving the continued growth of the internet of medical things (IoMT).
The Impact of IoMT on the Future of Healthcare
The benefits of IoMT are obvious: it can help make receiving and providing medical care much faster and more convenient.Further, IoMT can help reduce errors and make diagnoses much more accurate. Patients can be monitored remotely while allowing technology to provide pertinent data to healthcare providers. This allows for quick and accurate decisions on how to continue a health care regimen or treatment protocol for their patients.IoMT also promises to help keep costs low, both for patients and healthcare providers alike. More specifically, Goldman Sachs expects IoMT to save the healthcare industry up to $300 billion annually thanks to virtual patient monitoring.
Healthcare Sharing Ministries Offer a Flexible and Cost-Saving Option For Patients
The technology behind IoMT is playing a key role in keeping costs down in the world of health care. But the cost of health insurance continues to be a financial hurdle for many Americans.Luckily, health sharing ministries are available as a more affordable option than traditional insurance. Members of these programs can save as much as 30% to 40% on medical care compared to traditional health insurance.Further, members of health sharing ministries also have more flexibility to choose the types of medical practitioners they wish to see. They can enroll in a program at any time of the year rather than having to wait until open enrollment to sign up or make changes to a health insurance plan.At USHealthShare, we help families find the programs that work best for them. To find out which program is best suited for you and your family, speak with a representative from USHealthShare today and find out how health sharing saves money.