The Rise of the Minute Clinic: A Look at CVS

CVS not only has nearly 70,000 pharmacy locations across the country, but it now offers over 1,100 MinuteClinics to offer a more affordable and convenient healthcare alternative to urgent care centers.
Missed Open Enrollment? No Problem for Health Sharing Members!

Health sharing ministries do not enforce open enrollment restrictions on their members as many health insurance providers do. Consider making the switch to a health sharing ministry today!
Health Sharing Ministries and Community Outreach: Two Peas in a Pod

Health sharing ministries have become an increasingly popular topic as more Americans are turning to these organizations as a more affordable way to handle healthcare costs. Not only can these ministries save their members money, but they are also playing key roles in community outreach programs across the country.
Health Insurance and Telehealth: A Rocky Relationship

Prior to COVID-19, traditional insurers did not always reimburse providers for telehealth services.
Why A Health Share Program Might Be the Right Choice For Your Family

What’s the difference between traditional health insurance and health share ministries?
How Health Share Ministries are Different from Health Insurance

What’s the difference between traditional health insurance and health share ministries?