Why More Americans Are Choosing Christian Health Sharing

Healthcare costs in the U.S. soared to $11,172 per capita in 2018, and have only increased in recent years. Americans are looking for ways to lower expenses without sacrificing the quality of care.
The Health Sharing Approach to Holistic Care

When researching the challenges of healthcare in America today, experts often point to a system that is largely reactive. In this system, providers are motivated to perform as many medical procedures and prescribe as many medications as possible, instead of trying to keep people healthy and out of the hospital.
How You Can Avoid Higher Healthcare Costs

Everywhere you look, the cost of living is on the rise. You’re paying more for groceries, more for gas, more for cars, and definitely more for healthcare. You’re not alone, it’s the same around the rest of the country.
Missed Open Enrollment? You Still Have Health Plan Options

In many states, Open Enrollment season has come and gone. If you missed the Open Enrollment window to renew, change or choose a health insurance plan, you’re not alone. Every year, millions of Americans miss the deadline to enroll in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Now you may be wondering what to do next.
People Want Health Plans with More Freedom of Choice

These days, many Christians feel like they’re being told how to live their lives and care for their families, regardless of their values — especially when it comes to healthcare. In the push for mandates around COVID-19 vaccines, people of faith have fewer choices, or face penalties for making decisions that align with their beliefs.
The Open Enrollment Window is Closing

In the holiday season rush, many households may have overlooked the approaching Open Enrollment deadline for renewing or changing health plans. The good news is, Open Enrollment is still happening in many states. There may be time to consider your options and make sure you’re choosing the right health plan for you, but don’t delay.