The Cost of Healthcare: A Look at US Spending Over Time

The cost of healthcare in the US has risen over time, but what factors have contributed to it? More importantly, how can you keep your own healthcare costs down?
Disruptive Innovation: The Continuing Success of Retail Healthcare

Retail clinics are revolutionizing the healthcare industry. Find out why more and more Americans are turning to these clinics as an alternative to traditional health care settings.
Freedom to Choose Your Provider a Major Bonus for Health Sharing Members

Health sharing ministries often allow members greater freedom to choose their own medical professionals than do health insurance plans.
Colon Cancer Awareness Month: What Health Sharing Ministries Can Do

Health sharing ministries can do several things to promote colon cancer awareness in the month of March. Read on to find out more.
Value-Based Healthcare: A Look at the Pros and Cons

Will value-based healthcare really work? Here’s a look at the pros and cons.
How the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Will Shape Healthcare’s Future

The internet of medical things (IoMT) is having a big impact on the healthcare industry, as internet-connected devices and remote medical care is revolutionizing how patients are monitored.
Overcoming the Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Hurdle

Find out about how health sharing ministries handle share requests from people with pre-existing medical conditions.
How Consumerism Has Changed the Face of Healthcare Forever

The healthcare industry is evolving as patients take on the role of consumers and becoming more informed about how they choose to obtain medical care based on cost and convenience.
Telehealth Demographics for 2021: What We Know Now

The use of telehealth has increased over the past year as a result of the current health crisis, but who is actually using telehealth? We explore who is more likely to use telehealth in the US.
3 Ways COVID-19 Changed the Way We Handle Our Health

Learn how the behavior of patients has been affected by COVID-19, and why now may be the right time to make the switch to a health sharing ministry.