Liberty HealthShare Reviews
Liberty HealthShare is a Christian membership-based healthcare sharing program. Established in 1995 in Canton, OH as the Gospel Light Mennonite Church Medical Aid Plan, Liberty HealthShare currently has a community of more than 220,000 members. According to the non-profit organization, members have shared over $1.2 billion in the last four years.
As with other healthcare sharing programs, Liberty HealthShare is not health insurance. Instead, members contribute to a shared pool of funds, which they can then access to help pay for certain medical bills. Members will be reimbursed for eligible medical costs, though not everything qualifies for sharing.
It is suggested you speak with a Liberty HealthShare representative if you suffer from any pre-existing conditions that may impact your membership eligibility.
Program Options
Liberty HealthShare offers four pricing plans for individuals, couples, and families. Each plan comes with its own pricing structure that ranges from $199 to $399 for individuals, $299 to $499 for couples, and $399 to $675 for families. Find out more about each healthcare sharing tier on the Liberty HealthShare website.
Members also have access to HealthShareRx, a prescription program that helps members get lower prices and discounts on brand name and generic medications. Liberty HealthShare has also partnered with SavNet Health Savings Program to help lower costs on services that are ineligible for sharing, including vision, dental, hearing, chiropractic, and others. The Healthcare Bluebook, a healthcare comparison shopping service, is also available to help members save more money.

Unite Health Share Ministries
We think quality healthcare should be simple, fair, and friendly. We’re UHSM, and we’re here to make it happen. Plan on an awesome experience. More care, less stress, and the best benefits for you and your family.
Liberty HealthShare Video
What's Covered
Liberty HealthShare plans cover doctor, urgent care, clinic, and emergency room visits. They also cover hospital treatment and eligible screenings. For a detailed list of what’s covered, see pages 17-21 of their Sharing Guidelines document.
Vision and dental services are not covered, but Liberty HealthShare’s SavNet Health Savings Program helps members save on services through their network of providers. SavNet is available to members of the Liberty Plus and Liberty Complete plans only.
Prescriptions are discounted for members through HealthShareRx, a prescription savings plan that helps Liberty HealthShare members get lower prices on the most common prescription medication.
Liberty HealthShare members are eligible to enroll in the program’s TeleHealth program, which allows for virtual doctor visits without having to visit in person, at a cost of about $40-$100 per visit. Patients can also receive prescriptions via TeleHealth visits.
Members of Liberty HealthShare with pre-existing medical conditions are only covered up to a certain extent and only according to specific schedules. In the first year, pre-existing medical conditions are not eligible for sharing. In the second and third year, pre-existing medical conditions are eligible for sharing up to $50,000 combined both years, and in the fourth year and following years of membership, the condition will no longer be considered pre-existing (i.e., shared as normal). See Page 13 of the Sharing Guidelines brochure for more details.
Liberty HealthShare Member Reviews
As of April 2021, Liberty HealthShare received an average 1.86-star rating (out of 5) with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Yelp users give Liberty HealthShare a 2-star rating (out of 5). The organization has a higher rating on Google, with users giving them a 4.1-star rating (out of 5).
Liberty HealthShare Summary
- Four different plans and pricing tiers
- Vision, dental, and prescription not covered, but discounts available through SavNet and HealthShareRx
- Pre-existing medical conditions covered based on a specific schedule
- User reviews are mixed